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Rivington & Blackrod High School



I would like to offer you a very warm welcome to Rivington and Blackrod High School and Sixth Form. Founded in 1566, our school has held an important place in this community for centuries. We are very proud of our tradition as a successful, forward thinking and caring school. I extend a personal invite to you to visit our school and to see the rich opportunities available for all students supported by an inclusive and caring community.
We pride ourselves on offering an excellent education in all areas of the curriculum and a wide range of learning and enrichment opportunities. Our Christian values underpin all that we do in ensuring that all of our students achieve the highest academic standards and develop spiritually, morally, socially and culturally. 
Our aim is to ensure that all students feel safe, happy and grow as successful learners and caring global citizens. Insisting on high standards in all that we do, we strive to encourage students to achieve to their highest aspirations.
This prospectus will provide you with important information about Rivington and Blackrod High School and Sixth Form and will help you to make the vital decision about what is best for your child’s secondary and further education. However, should you wish to find out more, please do not hesitate to contact us.

I look forward to welcoming you to our school.

Mrs V Walmsley
Head of School 

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 Our Prospectus

Download a copy of our digital prospectus below. 

rbhs propsectus spreads.pdf

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