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Rivington & Blackrod High School



Consultation with stakeholders and interested parties

Rivington and Blackrod High School is an 11 – 18 Church of England Community High School with a maximum roll of 1500 students at 11-16. 

The Governors and Headteacher wish to consult with all stakeholders and interested parties on the following proposal:-

That Rivington & Blackrod High School amends its Admission Policy oversubscription criteria for 2026/27 to include the following criteria inserted at the specified criteria levels below: 

3) Children of staff employed at Rivington & Blackrod High School, in either of the following circumstances:

a.      The member of staff has been employed at the school for two or more years at the time at which the application for admission to the school is made; or

b.      The member of staff is recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage.

4) Children attending Lostock Primary School, who are in Year 6 at the time of application. Lostock Primary School is a feeder primary school, working closely and collaboratively with RBHS as part of Leverhulme Academy Trust

There are no additional proposed amendments to the school admission criteria. 

A full copy of the proposed Admissions Policy and associated Supplementary Form (oversubscription criteria 8) can be viewed by clicking the links below:

Proposed Admission Policy 2026/27 Supplementary Form 2026/27 - Oversubscription Criteria 8  

The Governors and Headteacher are requesting comments and feedback on these proposals from all stakeholders and interested parties. The consultation period will begin on Monday, 2nd December 2024 and will end at midnight on Tuesday 14th January 2025.

Who are we consulting?

We will include: Students, staff, parents, governors and trustees, local residents, local councillors, local MP’s, the Diocese of Manchester, the Local Authority and neighbouring Authorities: all other Bolton Secondary Schools, all other Bolton Primary Schools, the Bolton Pupil Referral Service, all other schools not Secondary or Primary in Bolton, Bolton College and Bolton 6th Form College, Bolton Trades Unions and Bolton University.

 Consultation process. 

Your views on the above are most welcome and we encourage everyone to respond. 

  • If you are a student, you can complete the online form here: Consultation Form or collect a paper copy from Student Services, complete it and return it back Student Reception. You can also email your views to consultation@rbhs.co.uk 
  • If you are a parent, you can complete the online form here: Consultation Form or ask your son/daughter collect a paper copy from the Main Reception at our Upper School site, complete it and return it back to the same location. You can also email your views to consultation@rbhs.co.uk 
  • If you are any other stakeholder you can complete the online form here: Consultation Form or collect a paper copy from our Main Reception at our Upper School Site. You should return the paper form to Main Reception or email your views and comments to consultation@rbhs.co.uk 

Please note that the consultation will end at midnight on Tuesday 14th January 2025.

 All responses received by the end of the consultation period will be carefully considered by the Governors and Headteacher and will be used to decide the admission arrangements for the school year 2026/2027. Once the arrangements have been determined, they will be published by 15 March 2025.