Free School Meals
The free school meal allowance is currently £2.60 per day.
This can only be used during the lunch break and entitles students to a two-course meal and a drink.
Parents in England can claim a free school meal allowance if they receive any of the following:
- Income Support
- Jobseeker's Allowance Income based
- Employment Support Allowance Income related
- Support under the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- Guaranteed Pension Credit
- Child Tax Credit - Your letter must show you have an income of less than £16,190 and do not receive Working Tax Credit
- Universal Credit - Your earned income must be less than £7,400 a year
How to apply for the free school meals allowance
- If you already receive housing benefits or council tax support, your income related free school meals will be available automatically, and you will not need to apply
- If you have already applied to Bolton Council for help with school uniforms, they will look at the free school meals at the same time, and you will not need to apply separately
- If you don't receive housing benefits or council tax support, you will need to apply for free school meals
Click here to apply online
Other ways to apply
- Telephone: 01204 331 590
- Email:
Alternatively, you can apply direct by visiting one of the local offices at Bolton Council.