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Rivington & Blackrod High School


Taking part in the Youth Travel Ambassador Active Event


On Friday, 13th May 2022, two fantastic, supportive and innovative Year 9 students came up with a brilliant idea to improve the local environment and reduce car emissions to better our society. Lauren E and Leah M pitched their idea to a panel of judges on how they can get the students in their school more active and healthy. Our student leaders represented RBHS incredibly well, and their maturity, organisation and planning were outstanding. They blew the judges away with their plan to get Rivington active winning £500 for the school and the opportunity to make their plan a reality!

In addition, 1,022 students and staff took part in the Rivi Get Active Event which ran for two weeks. Students were challenged to walk more, cycle and take part in making our society a greener, more eco-friendly place to live and work. As a reward for taking part, students received free breakfast passes, queue jump passes and the chance to win a £50 voucher.

It has been great to see Rivington and Blackrod High School students supporting the local community and environment for the better.

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