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Rivington & Blackrod High School


RBHS Summer Newsletter

Friday, 22nd July 2022

Welcome to our Summer Newsletter. 

As we reach the end of an incredible academic year, the staff and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our parents for their ongoing support and the students for their continued hard work and dedication to their studies. We have ended the term with a fantastic week of celebrations, which I hope you enjoy reading about here.

I have been incredibly impressed with how the students have risen to the challenge of representing our school values to Take Part, Work Hard and Do The Right Thing. Taking part in a wide range of activities, including our extensive extracurricular offer and working hard at everything they do in preparing and applying themselves in lessons and in afterschool interventions (5 days a week and holiday sessions). The hard work will be evidenced in their end of year reports and I look forward to seeing and celebrating the success with the students in Year 11 and Year 13 on results day and with other staff to support the students in deciding their next steps for the future.

Through our shared values and the wider opportunities we provide through extracurricular activities, we enable our students to discover their dreams, achieve their ambitions and transform lives. Each day our students uphold our values of Respect, Belonging, Honesty and Support by doing the right thing, not for reward or praise but simply because it is the right thing to do.

I would like to wish all our families and staff a restful and enjoyable break and I look forward to welcoming the students back on Monday, 5th September 2022.

Mr P Roach

rbhs summer newsletter.pdf

(If you are viewing on mobile - please click here to download our Summer newsletter) 

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