PERSonal, Social, Health, Education
Head of PSHE - Ms P Hare -
PSHE education helps develop the knowledge, skills and attributes pupils need to manage the many critical challenges and responsibilities they will face as they grow into adulthood. The programme of study focuses on the development of young people both as individuals and as members of social and economic communities.
As a school we aim to equip children and young people with the knowledge, understanding, attitudes and practical skills to live healthy, safe, productive, fulfilled, capable and responsible lives. PSHE encourages young people to be enterprising and support them in making effective transitions throughout their life stages.
PSHE education also enables children and young people to reflect on and clarify their own values and attitudes and explore the complex and sometimes conflicting range of values and attitudes they will encounter now and in the future.
Pupils are taught core British values and are given opportunities to understand and participate in the democratic process. They are taught to understand the importance of law and justice in the protection of rights and freedoms in the UK. Pupils are encouraged to develop mutual respect and tolerance of different national, religious, and ethnic identities. They investigate how society has changed and how it continues to change in the UK, Europe and Internationally.
Discrete 20 minute PSHE lessons are delivered weekly as part of a personal development education programme. This work is supported whole school through external speakers, assemblies and drop down events.
At Key Stage 5 all students receive a one hour lesson per week on Personal Development.
Relationship and Sex Education is delivered to each year group in the summer term. This takes places in their Religious Education lessons.
The PSHE curriculum has been designed as a spiral curriculum specifically to address the specific needs of our students as they grow from childhood, through adolescence and into adulthood so their voice and input is essential. Our curriculum also uses local public health reports and national data to ensure we are addressing the issues that really matter. The current outline for personal development education can be accessed by clicking the link below.
Key Stage 3 & 4 Personal Development Curriculum
Key Stage 5 Personal Development Curriculum
Relationships and Sex Education
The Relationship and Sex Education program will be delivered to all year groups in the Summer Term through their RS lessons which are 1 hour per week.
At RBHS we believe that promoting the health and wellbeing of our pupils is an important part of their education. The Relationship and Sex Education program is designed to give young people the knowledge and skills to make safe and informed choices about their sexual health. They learn how to have healthy relationships, make informed decisions about sex, think critically about the world, learn how to keep themselves safe both on and offline, be a good ally to those who are marginalised and love themselves for who they are.
Our programme is delivered in a non-judgemental, factual way and allows opportunities for young people to ask questions in a safe environment.
Key Stage 3 and 4 Relationships and Sex Curriculum
Relationship and Sex Education Policy
The Role of PSHE in Addressing Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment between children in schools and colleges.
In March 2021, the government launched a review into sexual violence and harassment in schools and colleges. In September 2021 the DFE published guidance for all schools in order to ensure that all children grow up safe from abuse. As a school we are committed to ensuring that all our pupils are protected from harm, that unacceptable behaviour is challenged and that pupils are given a strong knowledge and understanding of what constitutes a positive healthy relationship.
To complement the whole school approach to tackling sexual violence and harassment in schools pupils across all year groups will receive 2 focused workshops throughout the year which cover the following topics:
- What is Sexual Harassment and why is it important to challenge it?
- Unwanted touching – Why is it important to recognise and respect personal boundaries?
- What is classed as unacceptable behaviour?
- Exploring Sexual Harassment online
- How do I report sexual violence and harassment in school?
Students in year 8 – 10 will also be shown the play ‘Unacceptable’ by Alter Ego Creative Solutions which helps them identify and understand the damaging effects sexist remarks and attitudes can have.
These messages will continue to be explored and reinforced through PSHE education. The Relationship and Sex Education programme has a strong focus on challenging sexualised language, understanding consent, the importance of respect and communication in relationships, how to recognise grooming and exploitation, and explores acceptable and unacceptable behaviour. Pupils are taught how to recognise these dangers and where and how to seek help and support.
Sexual exploitation, teen relationship abuse and issues around sharing nude images are explored through the programme.
PSHE Lessons are an important part of preventative education and we aim to provide a safe space to challenge attitudes that can grow into disrespect and violence. Pupils are given the opportunity to develop the communication skills needed to convey difficult messages, develop empathy and express how they feel. They are taught the importance of speaking out against abuse and given vital information on how to report unacceptable behaviour. It is our aim to equip pupils with the knowledge and skills needed to form positive healthy relationships in adult life free from harm and abuse.