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Rivington & Blackrod High School



Click here to download our 2024/25 Course Guide and Prospectus 

The single biggest decision a student has to make before entering the Sixth Form is their choice of subjects.   Students at Rivington can select subjects from wide range of A level and BTEC programmes, to match their individual needs.

rbhs sixth form prospectus 24 25.pdf

  Download the Sixth Form prospectus 

Tips on choosing a course…

The best advice on choosing a programme of study in the sixth form is to:

  • Choose subjects you enjoy (the most important consideration!!!)

  • Choose subjects that you are good at

  • Choose subjects that offer you the form of assessment that suits you

  • Chose subjects that support each other, whilst maintaining some degree of breadth

  • Choose subjects that will get you to where you want to be after sixth form

There is a lot of advice available from teachers, form tutors, careers advisors, parents and wider family and we meet students once they have applied to discuss their options and ensure that they are confident that they are on the right course.

The Russell Group of leading UK universities has also published a guide to post-16 subject choices.  Informed Choices, produced in collaboration with the Institute of Career Guidance, is aimed at all students considering A-level and BTECs.  It includes advice on the best subject combinations for a wide range of university courses as well as advice on the best choices if students don’t know what they want to study after school and need to keep options open.

Should I take a BTEC or an A level?

BTEC programmes are assessed entirely by coursework and are completely identical to A levels in terms of their value when applying to university. A level subjects are assessed mostly by exam, at the end of year 12 (the AS exams) and again at the end of year 13. In most subjects there is no coursework. At Rivington, students don’t have to make a choice between BTEC s or A level, students can combine a BTEC in say IT with an A level in Business Studies. Some BTEC programmes are equivalent to one A level, some are double A levels, and some are equivalent to three A levels.

Where to find the prospectus?

The prospectus is available online, along with the application form. 

If you require a paper version of the prospectus, email a request to sixthform@rbhs.co.uk.

 Download the Sixth Form prospectus