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Rivington & Blackrod High School


Personal Development

Personal Development is at the centre of everything we do and is reflected in our broad and balanced curriculum offer. We aim to guarantee that all our students are prepared for life academically, socially and spiritually, and that the teaching and learning in our classrooms promotes and inspires learning experiences which allow our students to  excel and progress.

Our curriculum offer ensures our students are equipped with the knowledge and skills to thrive relative to their individual needs and aspirations, and make positive contributions to modern Britain. It is important to us to adapt our curriculum offer when necessary to ensure we continue to provide the relevant qualifications and qualities in our students to progress to the next stage of their education and training. Along with the cognitive development our curriculum promotes, it is essential that through the challenge and engagement embedded in their learning experiences, our students develop into lifelong learners who are confident, independent, resilient and can communicate effectively to enrich their social capital potential.

The education of each student in our school is given equal importance regardless of ability, and each student has access to a curriculum that provides rich experiences that will contribute to them developing into knowledgeable, fulfilled and respectful young citizens of our community.

House System

The House system is one of the most traditional aspects of RBHS with it first being introduced in 1910 and playing a proud part in the life of many an Old Rivingtonian. When reintroduced in 2019, it was the students themselves who helped decide upon our new figureheads who span centuries of recent British history.

R- Rowling House named after acclaimed children’s author, J.K. Rowling

B- Brunel House named after the pioneer engineer, Isambard Kingdom Brunel

H- Holmes House named after the ground-breaking athlete, Dame Kelly Holmes

S- Shackleton House named after the heroic explorer, Sir Ernest Shackleton

Every new pupil is allocated to a House on their arrival at school. Pupils value their membership of a House and are proud to compete for their House, both in the creative, physical, and academic fields. There is a diverse range of competition which includes not only students but staff too, with student house captains across all year groups being central to its success.

Some examples of competitions include:

  • I’m a student, get me out of here!
  • Crystal Maze
  • Big Fat Quiz of the Year
  • Secret Elf
  • Family Fortunes
  • The Great Rivi Bake Off
  • Rivi has talent
  • Rivi Bingo’s Bongo’s
  • Rivi Fest



Student Leadership Team and Prefects     

Our student leadership team and prefects are an essential aspect of our students having a voice at Rivington and Blackrod High School. The process can start from Yr7 and continue until Yr 10. They can nominate themselves to become form reps. Each form rep will have opportunities to discuss and be part of how we can improve the school journey for each student. The prefect application process starts in the summer term of Year 10. Students have to apply to become a prefect, we have well over half of the year apply for these positions each year. 

Applications process

Interested in becoming part of our student leadership team? Please find below the application pack that you will need to use to apply.

Prefect Presentation

Prefect Application

Prefect Leadership Team


Student Leadership team and Student Voice


We highly value the part that students can play in shaping the future of RBHS. As a result, we have a wide variety of opportunities to contribute to the fabric of what we do. To ensure we encapsulate a broad base of opinion we have nominations for two elected form representatives across all year groups who meet on a frequent basis with senior teachers to feedback on pupil opinion; this is known as our Student Senate. This body of students are responsible for many fundraising activities, supporting the house championship as well as raising awareness of key issues in the community. For example:

  • ‘Make your Mark’ campaign- support the running of a whole school ballot in support of the British Youth Council to identify a key focus for young people in the upcoming year
  • Shoebox Collection- Each October to November the Senate works alongside Christian charity groups to collect items within a shoebox to send to those who are less fortunate
  • Awareness Assemblies- Run assemblies and form time activities to raise awareness of current issues as well as promoting acceptance of all regardless of race, faith or background
  • Fundraising- Half termly the Senate run various events such as the poppy appeal, bake sales and a Christmas card postal service to raise money for the schools nominated charities
  • Youth MP elections- The Senate helps to promote all of the youth MP candidates to raise awareness of their specific causes and to support a fair election process
  • Lower school transition- Help the supportive process of Year 7 students moving to upper school by doing some targeted mentoring

At RBHS we are proud to serve a wide and diverse community from across all areas of Bolton and its surrounding areas. As one of the largest schools in the local authority, we believe it is important to listen to every student whenever possible. This is done through a variety of formats, such as:

  • Student surveys- Termly surveys for all students to survey their opinion on a wide variety of current issues
  • Student panels- Half termly focus groups that encompasses students from all demographics to gain a deeper understanding of pupil perception of current and upcoming events as well as priorities for the school
  • Prefect meetings- Regular meetings with our large prefect team to review student leadership as well as an opportunity to share upcoming plans for the future and gather informed student opinion
  • Student snapshots- Each half term our Heads of Year will spend time with an individual student from their year group who has shown recent progress to discuss what support helped them and advise our future pastoral practice
  • Student interviews- At every interview we conduct we ensure that students have their say too, whether through school tours, interviews or after being taught by a potential member of staff
  • Celebration breakfasts- Opportune moment to listen to our students who have been identified as excelling in a particular field to gather their knowledge and opinion of the school. Through a collaborative approach of listening to our wider community as well as our student leaders, we are able to embed best practice and develop the caring ethos and culture which allows students to thrive.

Team time and our Personal Development Calendar 

At Rivington and Blackrod High School our students are given a rich and diverse diet of activities during form time. Every student will work on their reading literacy and understanding, coverage of a broad range of PSHE topics, RBHS values session and an assembly once a week. Please see the form time schedule below. 
Throughout the academic year we also have our Personal Development calendar listing key events, assembly themes, awareness weeks and department house competitions. Please see the link below for our calendar. 
Personal Development Calendar