1. WHYSUP introduction and why we are doing this
Just got a text from my eldest in year 11 saying she’s learning about Whysup in class this morning. Love that addiction awareness is being taught in now. Well done Mark Murray and Liam. – Year 11 parent (Facebook)
2. Mental Health – What is it?
My daughter just came home and told me you had done a session in her class at Rivington and Blackrod – she was really impressed and said it made her see things differently. Thank you. – Year 10 parent (Twitter)
3. Worry and Anxiety
I am student at Rivi and just followed you because of a video I saw in school today. I just wanted to say thank so much for your sessions, I got a lot from it and it has made me think about what I am getting involved in, I don’t want to end up where you both did. – RBHS Student (Instagram)
4. Stress – What is it and how to manage it
My son has just been telling me about your videos in school and how he is thinking about how his own behaviour now may impact his future and what his day to day wellbeing is like. Thanks so much I think this message is so important. - Year 10 parent (Facebook)
5. Wellbeing – Looking after yourself
6. It’s good to talk!