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Rivington & Blackrod High School


Design - 3d

Course contact: sdunlop@rbhs.co.uk

Specification: GCSE

(If you are viewing on mobile - please click here to view the departmental video) 

Course Outline

GCSE Design and Technology 3D is a creative subject that will allow you to learn and develop Product Design and Manufacture skills suitable to be applied in the industry.

This subject will provide you with the experience of using real world product design techniques/technologies and how to apply these to the design process of generating ideas and making.

You will learn commercial practice (workshop skills, 2D and 3D computer-aided design, concept modelling) and gain an informed choice of what the design and manufacturing world can offer as a future career.

What will I study?

Learners will have the opportunity to acquire creative skills through practical designing and making activities focussed on creating functional products.

Year 10 will focus on your learning and applying new techniques and technologies to various creative projects. You will learn how to use and apply:

  • Traditional skills – use of hand tools, workshop machinery and modelling equipment
  • Modern Technologies - computer-aided manufacture such as using the laser cutter, 3D Router
  • 2D computer-aided design (2D design and 3D Virtual modelling (Sketch-up) to present ideas and control machinery
  • The properties of a range of materials and other design influences such as the work of others (designer style)

How will I be assessed?

  • One coursework project – 35 hours (50% of GCSE Grade)
  • One examination (creative knowledge applied), 2 hours (50% of GCSE Grade)

What could I do afterwards?

GCSE Design and Technology (3D) provides a pathway towards studying A-level 3D Design, Apprenticeships in the engineering and design industries.

A career path into civil engineering, mechanical engineering and product design are all relevant goals.

design 3d.pdf

(If you are viewing on mobile - please click here to download the departmental details)