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Rivington & Blackrod High School


GCSE Drama

Course contact: Miss J Shaw - jshaw@rbhs.co.uk

Specification: GCSE


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Course Outline

This course allows students to discover the further world of drama and performance. Students are given opportunities to work as part of a group, practically exploring devising themes, issues and challenging scripts, all led through workshops that support and foster students learning.

The course gives further opportunities to learn about the technical side of theatre and performance. This dynamic course offers you opportunities to perform within your class, school and community and visits to the theatre to watch a live performance.

What will I study?

As part of the course, students will work with the class teacher and group to rehearse and perform a published play. They will also learn how to portray certain characters and stage certain moments of a play text and write about the moments using technical language.

Students will have the opportunity to watch live theatre, learn how to write theatre reviews, work in a production group to create a live performance and learn about the different job roles in the professional industry and the technicalities of actual theatres.

How will I be assessed?


  • Component 1 - Understanding Drama - 40% written examination
  • Component 2 - Devising Drama - 40% practical and written coursework
  • Component 3 - Txts in Practice - 20% Performance exam either marked as an actor or designer

What could I do afterwards?

Both Drama and Level 2 Performing Arts would set an excellent foundation for further study on our Post 16 courses, BTEC Performing Arts Level 3 or A-level Drama and Theatre Studies.

rbhs year 9 options booklet print outlined 16.pdf

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