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Rivington & Blackrod High School


Level 2 Food Studies

Course contact: Mrs S Dunlop - sdunlop@rbhs.co.uk

Specification: Level 2

  (If you are viewing on mobile - please click here to view the departmental video) 

Course Outline

Food Studies will provide you with the opportunity to learn about a wide range of food preparation and cooking skills.

You will learn about different culinary techniques applied to the home environment and in the food catering industry. It will allow you to understand what is involved in food preparation and enable you to make informed decisions in everyday life and in a future career working with food.

What will I study?

In Years 10 and 11, Level 2 Food Studies will allow learners to develop:

  • Technical culinary skills through planning and practical application. Skills such as chopping, whisking, baking, frying will be applied to a range of food preparation opportunities
  • Knowledge of different cuisines around the world, through practical application
  • Nutritional facts of how to plan a balanced diet and the effect of different nutrients on the body
  • Health and hygiene protocol for safe use and storage of food in the home and in industry
  • Gain knowledge of the food industry and the structure of personnel in these environments

How will I be assessed?

60% of the final grade is internally assessed coursework which focuses on practical application through reasoned choice, meeting dietary/event needs, planning, food preparation and cooking skills.

40% of the final grade is externally assessed focusing on food choice, nutritional value, health and hygiene, food industry.

What could I do afterwards?

Level 2 Food Studies could be applied to apprenticeships within food and catering, Level 3 Diploma in Hospitality and Tourism Management.

This course could provide a career pathway into the food industry, sports nutrition, professional catering, food development, working in food retail.

rbhs year 9 options booklet print outlined 18.pdf

 (If you are viewing on mobile - please click here to download the departmental details) 

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