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Rivington & Blackrod High School


Level 2 Health & Social Care

Course contact: Mrs S Manchester - smanchester@rbhs.co.uk

Specification: Level 2

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Course Outline

Health is an exciting new course that allows students to acquire knowledge of development through the life stages, understand the wellbeing of individuals in health and social care and develop an awareness of healthy lifestyles and health promotion campaigns.

This course allows students to put their learning into practice through research, practical experience, theoretical study and independent learning.

What will I study?

This course provides the opportunity for learners to achieve a Level 2 single Technical Award in Health and Social Care.

Students will complete three units covering a wide range of pertinent health and social care issues such as human development, taking and interpreting physical health measures, assessing lifestyles, developing personal health plan, improving health through health promotion activities, nutrition, and much more.

How will I be assessed?

Of the three units, 1 and 2 are internally assessed and then independently verified, contributing 30% each to the student’s final grade. Internal assessment can be produced in various ways such as wall displays, fact sheets, presentations, research surveys with results, case studies, care plans, role plays and so on.

The final unit is externally assessed through an examination worth 40% of your overall grade.

What could I do afterwards?

This course is a direct entry on to Level 3 qualifications at Rivington and Blackrod Sixth Form. We offer Level 3 courses such as BTEC Health and Social Care or Children’s Play, Learning and Development.

In the future, this could lead to careers in early years’ education (nursery nursing, teaching etc), emergency services, occupational therapy, social work, sociology and psychology and many more.

rbhs year 9 options booklet print outlined 21.pdf

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