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Rivington & Blackrod High School


Examination Information

Rivington & Blackrod High Schools approach to examination is one in which the students are put first. We aim to provide all students with appropriate levels of preparation, support and environments conducive to effective examination practice.

For this reason there is a rigorous system of mock examination throughout Year 11, 12 and 13 and all year groups will be given the opportunity to sit mock exams/assessments in a formal setting to ensure they are fully prepared for their actual examinations.

On this page you will find relevant guidance and information for students and parents in terms of examinations. This page will be updated throughout the year to ensure it remains relevant and up-to-date to what students are preparing for at any particular time.

Should you have any questions or concerns regarding anything to do with examinations please contact the exams department at exams@rbhs.co.uk

JCQ Information for Candidates

Information for candidates – Coursework – 2024-2025

Information for candidates – Non examination assessments 2024-2025

Information for candidates – On-screen tests 2024-2025

Information for candidates – Written exams 2024-2025

Information for candidates – Privacy notice 2024-2025

Information for candidates – Social media 2024-2025

JCQ Preparing to sit exams

JCQ AI Poster for Students

Exam Results

Please see below for our Summer 2024 Results guidance document which contains all the information you need to know regarding results collection, post results services available and appeals.

Results Day Guidance Document

When you come into school to collect your results you will be asked to sign to confirm you have collected them. You will also be asked to tick one of three columns to state if you are happy for the school to access your marked script. This is as per Appendix B on the Results Day Guidance Document. There are a number of reasons why we may need to access a copy of your script. This can be to assist with a review of marking if required and also as teaching staff may like to access your script for teaching and learning purposes.

The exam results days for summer 2025 are as below and all results can be collected from the school sports hall:-

KS5 - Y12 & Y13 - A Level/L3 BTEC/Cambridge Technical/L3 Criminology – Thursday 14th August 2025

Results can be collected from 8.00am until 1pm 

KS4 – Y11 - GCSE/L2 BTEC/Cambridge National/NCFE – Thursday 21st August 2025

Results can be collected from 9.00am until 1pm


If you are not available to collect your exam results they will be sent to your school e-mail at the end of the day on the results day. If you would like someone to collect the results on your behalf please complete and return the form below. The person who collects will need to bring appropriate ID on the day.

Candidate Permission Form

Certificate Collection

Exam certificates will be available for collection from Monday 25th November 2024. Unfortunately, the certificates cannot be posted and must be collected in person from the main school reception. These can be collected between 8am and 3pm Monday to Friday.

If you would like someone to collect your certificates on your behalf please complete and return the form below. The person who collects will need to bring appropriate ID on the day.

Candidate Permission Form

Your exam certificates are very important documents and must be collected as soon as possible after the 25th November 2024.

As per JCQ guidance we are only obliged to keep uncollected exam certificates for 12 months from the date of issue. After this time they will be confidentially disposed of.

Many employers will ask for a copy of your exam certificates and if they have been disposed of you will need to contact the individual exam boards to obtain a replacement at an average cost of £40 per certificate. Therefore it is very important you collect them promptly.