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Rivington & Blackrod High School


ExtraCurricular OFFER

As a school, we are committed to providing high quality opportunities outside the usual curriculum time through enrichment activities.

These activities are an important and exciting feature of school life and contribute enormously to our student's academic and social development. The enrichment program at Rivington and Blackrod High School encourages our students to engage with their school community, so that when they leave in Year 13, they are active, confident, and emotionally resilient young adults.

We have an exciting array of extracurricular Activities for our students to attend. The majority of the clubs are held up at upper school. Year 7 students are welcome to attend all clubs. We have got some clubs down at lower school coded (L) rooms. Student who wish to attend are to be at upper school no later than 3:10pm. 

If you have any questions or enquires regarding enrichment, please contact Mr Brown at abrown@rbhs.co.uk.

 Whole School timetable 

 PE and Sport timetable